About The Ilex Wood

My name is Holly and I am the founder of The Ilex Wood.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself and the ethos behind the products I create.
Ever since I was a little girl I have been a bit obsessed with nature. Growing up in the heart of the English countryside and being a farmer’s daughter meant I spent a great deal of time outdoors, whether it be getting muddy on long walks, watching the birds or identifying the wild flowers along the hedgerows.
This love of nature still runs deep within me and has inspired me to change my beauty routine.
Like many, I was spending far too much money on expensive creams and products by well-known high end beauty brands promising me miracles and costing the earth - Products with ingredients lists as long as a short novel and may as well have been written in a different language as I had no idea what any of them were.

Tired of expensive promises and obscure chemicals I was moved to overhaul how I took care of my skin. Time to simplify.
Unable to find any purely natural products in the stores (many market themselves as natural but check the labels!) I took to creating my own using the plant knowledge I already had to create effective and luxurious skin care products.
And so The Ilex Wood was born.